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Quantum Reef Essential Low-Range Nitrate Remover

by Quantum
Sold out
Original price $25.95 - Original price $174.95
Original price
$25.95 - $174.95
Current price $25.95
Title: 250ml

Low Range (?15ppm) Biochemical Nitrate Reduction. LR Nitrate Remover™ is designed for aquariums that have 15ppm or lower nitrate. It is formulated specifically to reduce nitrate without promoting the nuisance bio-bacteria slime within marine/reef environments and works by providing bio-available carbon sources to denitrifying bacteria present in media, deep sand beds & inner pores of live rock. The bacteria oxidise the carbon into carbon dioxide while reducing nitrate to chemically inert nitrogen gas. If you are experiencing nitrate levels higher than 15ppm, we recommend using our HR Nitrate Remover™ then making the switch to LR Nitrate Remover™ once nitrate becomes 15ppm or lower.

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