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Korallin S-Plus Trace Element Replenisher 500ml

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Original price $35.00 - Original price $35.00
Original price
$35.00 - $35.00
Current price $35.00
t is often overlooked that important micro-nutrients (such as iodine, iron, manganese, strontium, molybdenum, fluorides, rubidium, and lithium) are rapidly depleted or used in a closed system such as a fish tank. These trace nutrients are important ot the health of every fish-tank and some, such as Iodine can be completely removed within as little as two weeks.

It is not always possible to replace these nutrient is sufficent quantities through water changes alone. For example, a five percent water change will only replace 5% of the Iodine required in a closed system. To replace sufficient Iodine would require 20 times as much water to be changed, obviously not a reasonable solution.

KORALLIN trace elements replenish over 20 of these missing live supplements in a balanced and easily absorbed form. Regular addition will promote healthy and vigorous growth of both calcareous algae (e.g. Halimeda) and invertebrates using symbiotic algae in their tissues, especially hard corals and clams.

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