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CE Coral Power Iron

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Original price $34.95 - Original price $34.95
Original price
$34.95 - $34.95
Current price $34.95
Title: 50ml

Our Coral Essentials, Coral Power Iron is a concentrated blend of Iron for marine aquariums.  It is essential for zooxanthellae photosynthesis, the promotion of healthy macroalgae growth and enhanced green colouration in corals. Iron is also a base element used in bacterial metabolism which forms part of various physiological processes that occur in marine tanks.  It can assist with the functionality of enzymes.  Iron can be rapidly depleted in high bacterial mass systems.  To ensure healthy SPS corals, zooxanthellae balance and healthy macroalgae and bacterial functions, maintain a dosing plan as detailed below.  Variances above and below the recommended dosing can be made depending on your own tank conditions and density of coral present.    Our Coral Power Iron   contains Iron at a concentration of 100,000 ppm.

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